Everlast® Epoxy Floors for Pet Care & Veterinary Clinics
All pet care and veterinary facilities have one thing in common: they need their floors to be:
- Durable
- Resistant to animal waste
- Odor resistant
- Stain resistant
- Able to withstand deep cleaning and sanitizers
Everlast® Epoxy flooring offers the most durable and healthy pet care and veterinarian flooring in the industry, with seamless, easy-to-clean and sanitary options that can hold up up to even the heaviest four-legged foot traffic.

The Durability Your Office Needs
Everlast® Epoxy’s resin-rich formula allows the floor to seep into the wood substrate or concrete while curing. This process ensures the epoxy flooring becoming part of the sub-floor and keeps it from peeling open or cracking—something people who have used epoxy floor paints or quartz broadcast floors know all too well. Because our floors are short on resins and long on aggregate, Everlast® Epoxy Floors are strong but still flexible, ensuring they have the right form and function for years to come.
Clean Made EASY
While Everlast® flooring doesn’t need the same level of TLC as other floors, when you do need to get them clean it’s a snap. Because of the non-porous surface, our floors are easy to clean. Learn more about our cleaning and disinfecting guidelines here.
The Healthy Option for EVERY Pet
Everlast® Epoxy flooring is chemical-resistant and can stand up to pet urine as well as strong detergents and disinfectants. Everlast® Epoxy Floors are made with an EPA-registered anti-microbial additive to restrict the growth of microorganisms. And without these growths, you’ll have reduced odors that typically come with bacterial degradation. This makes it a top choice for pet care facilities, such as animal boarding, pet care facilities or veterinary practices.

Four-Legged Friend Approved
It’s important to make a positive impression on your two-legged—and four-legged!—customers. Everlast® Epoxy Floors complement any décor or brand. We have a wide variety of bright and attractive colors that will create a welcome environment for your customers and their furry or feathered friends.