If your commercial floor isn’t Everlast®, then it will never last

If your commercial floor isn’t Everlast®, then it will never last

Reduce the risk of costly flood damage with nonporous epoxy flooring

Reduce the risk of costly flood damage with nonporous epoxy flooring

Concrete flooring is an extremely popular choice for industrial and commercial floors—and at first glance, it is easy to understand why. It’s hard-wearing, easy to install, and relatively cost-effective.

But, before you decide that a concrete floor will solve all your flooring challenges, it’s important to know that concrete is a porous material that readily absorbs liquids and chemicals, causing damage and degradation that could prove costly.

Many Americans live and work in parts of the country that are susceptible to storms and hurricanes, which bring with them heavy rain, all of which is bad news for premises with a porous concrete floors.

If you were to examine the structure of concrete under a powerful microscope, you’d see that its structure resembles a bathroom sponge, with the ability to draw liquid into its core and trap it there. Once the substrate becomes saturated, the floor will be more prone to cracks, bad odors, and ultimately total failure.

There is an alternative to installing a porous concrete floor: nonporous epoxy flooring. It offers all the advantages of a concrete surface and is also waterproof and seamless. If this sounds like the flooring you’ve been searching for, read on…



Safeguard floors against flooding

Flood water contains all types of bacteria and grime—and once it has penetrated the substrate, it can cause contamination, damage, and bad odors.

A flood can have many devastating consequences on a business, but nonporous epoxy flooring can substantially minimize flood-related risks.

If your current concrete flooring won’t hold up in the event of a flood, it may be time to consider a waterproof alternative. Everlast® Epoxy flooring provides a self-containing surface that acts as a barrier to prevent water ingress.

Should the worst happen, our floors are much more resilient than concrete flooring and can make the clean-up operation after a flood easier and faster. Contaminants can be washed away and the floors sterilized to reduce degradation and prevent nasty odors.




Not just for floors—ideal for your walls too!

Our flooring can also be applied to walls—so even if the flood water rises, you can have additional seamless, waterproof protection for your premises.

As there are no seams to contend with, our epoxy resin can be troweled onto the walls to provide a continuous, self-containing coating of flood protection from floor to ceiling. This leaves surface water with only one place to go: down the drain.



Protection for your facilities 

Our unique resin formula uses only high-quality epoxies and aggregates that also bond to drains, electrical conduits, and gas and plumbing pipes so that water cannot reach the essential facilities underneath.


Hygienic and sanitary epoxy flooring

After flood water is removed from the surface, our floors can be easily disinfected to reduce the chance of mold or bacterial growth.

In addition to being easy to clean, our nonporous epoxy floors also contain an integrated EPA-registered antimicrobial component that impedes the growth of microorganisms. This provides long-term protection from a broad spectrum of bacteria and contaminants found in debris-filled flood water.


Choose nonporous epoxy flooring for the best flood protection

Dealing with a flood can be a devastating experience that has long-term and costly consequences for a business.

Our flood-resilient floors are designed to reduce the risk of expensive damage after flooding occurs.

We have decades of experience in the production and installation of robust, easy-to-clean floors that can help businesses get back to work as quickly and as hygienically as possible in the event of a flood.

To discuss your flooring project with our experts, call (808) 708-9870 or request a free sample to see the high quality of our nonporous epoxy flooring for yourself.

Interested in seeing high quality Epoxy flooring up close? Get our FREE sample pack today!

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