If your commercial floor isn’t Everlast®, then it will never last

If your commercial floor isn’t Everlast®, then it will never last

Leaky Floor Waterproofing Solution

Leaky Floor Waterproofing Solution

Leaky Floor Waterproofing Solution

Everlast Floor provides a seamless, waterproof, self-containing surface, ensuring that the water goes into the drains as it should, rather than damaging the walls and subfloor.

Many epoxy floors claim to be waterproof, but unless they are a resin-rich floor, they are only temporarily waterproof. To much aggregate and not enough epoxy resin leads to voids, water and grease easily penetrate the flooring. Such systems, even when “top-coated” provide only temporary protection and will fail prematurely.

Wet Conditions: When a commercial kitchen, or any floor that is continually wet is built on anything but ground floor. A completely waterproof floor must be down. Any extra expense spent on the floor will be minimal. In comparison with the cost of ceiling repair underneath, and continually repairing or replacing the floor entirely.

The Solution: Everlast Floor is not only waterproof, but it also bonds to all the drains, electrical con-duits, coke conduits, gas lines, plumbing lines, and anything else protruding out of the floor.


everlast cove base everlast floor around drain


Everlast floor up walls


everlast floor in kitchen

Interested in seeing high quality Epoxy flooring up close? Get our FREE sample pack today!

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