Everlast® Epoxy takes on all-comers
Do you want commercial flooring that can stay in good-as-new condition for a lifetime?
Maybe a hammer test will help to show you why Everlast® Floor could be your only option:
This is the World’s Happiest Flooring Consultant from Everlast Epoxy Flooring.
We wish we could take credit for this idea, but it actually came from a client, Chris Giangeruso from Gulfshore Grille & Cottage in Fort Myers Beach, FL.
Chris had been in the restaurant business for decades managing several establishments over the years. He loved running restaurants… He hated replacing floors… and now it was time to replace another floor! Grrrr…
He knew he’d need to shut down for at least a couple days, likely work through the night, move all the equipment, furniture and fixtures, rip out the old flooring, level what’s left as best he could, install a new sub-surface, install the new flooring, and once again move all of his equipment, furniture and fixtures back in… and then the thing that aggravated him most is…
He knew he’d need to do it all over again in a few years.
Why can’t anyone make a flooring that lasts? Doesn’t crack, have seams that pull apart or grout joints that trap stinky disgusting mold, mildew, and bacteria that smell like a sewer?
So once again, he was searching for the best alternative…
The more he shopped and researched the more frustrated he became. He was hearing the same stuff he’d heard for decades; this is the best floor on the market, it will last blah, blah, blah blah…
He asked about guarantees… One Year? Are you kidding me? Two years? We can’t guarantee how long it will last, but it’s the best you can get. AUGH!!!
He was as frustrated as when he started. Then he looked at all the samples on the floor in his office, looked at the hammer he’d used just that morning, and decided to smack every sample. Within minutes he had his answer…
It was the company that told him their floors were
GUARANTEED for at least 20 years!
Everlast Epoxy Flooring!
The Everlast Epoxy Flooring is the only sample that passed his test. He made the call to 615-994-1510 and the rest, as they say, is history.
But don’t take it from me.
Hear from Chris himself.
We loved Chris’ idea so much we named it The Gulfshore Grill Everlast Epoxy Challenge!
You may be exactly like Chris right now… once again frustrated that you need to replace yet another floor.
Now… if you expect the competition’s flooring to survive The Challenge you should pick your biggest heaviest hammer and give it a try… but then you’d be right where you are now.
Please, this is important…
Before you take The Gulfshore Grill Everlast Epoxy Challenge, get safety goggles for your eyes, and put them on. YOU’LL NEED THEM WHEN YOU SMACK THE COMPETITION!
Now grab yourself a hammer and smack each of your samples; and then give us a call, at (615) 994-1510.
With its ease of cleaning, no seams or grout to trap disgusting odors, and durability you’ve likely already narrowed your search to an Epoxy Floor. To be clear, we’re not talking Epoxy Paint, we’re talking an Epoxy Resin Floor with aggregate.
Why is Everlast Flooring so durable!
But why was Everlast Epoxy Flooring the only one that passed The Gulfshore Grill Everlast Epoxy Challenge?
- We start with the best, most expensive resins you can buy. One of our ingredients is used in the construction of F-18 fighter jets to add toughness without using heavy metals like steel. So yes, we won’t be the cheapest flooring you’ll find, but we will be the best value when you consider that Everlast Epoxy Flooring will last 3-5 times longer than alternatives.
- We use more resin than the competition. Up to three times more than the competition. Regardless of which epoxy flooring you choose it will have two primary components – aggregate and resin. Aggregate is cheap. Compared to aggregate, even cheap resin is expensive. That’s why you get our industry leading twenty-year guarantee. The sad thing is you can’t tell how much resin verse aggregate the manufacturer uses by looking at it. You’ll only know when your flooring fails.
- But Yikes… not only does the competition scrimp on the resin to aggregate ratio to start, because the aggregate and resin are sold separately, an unscrupulous installer can decide to use even more aggregate than specified by the manufacturer which compromises your floor even more.
- As our owner, David Linton, he was determined to create the absolute best flooring product on the market. He had determined epoxy resin would be the base, but he wasn’t happy with the lifespan of epoxies at the time. So he hired scientists to work with our own developers to solve the problem. The solution was our own proprietary resin formula using the best resins as the base and adding our own secret additives creating the most durable floor on the marketing. Yes, our additives are a secret, and we don’t share them with anyone… much like the formula for Coca-Cola.
- One floor doesn’t fit all. Most epoxy floor manufacturers have their one epoxy floor formula. Sure you can get it in different colors, but it’s all the exact same formula.
When it comes to epoxy flooring one formula doesn’t fit all!
We found a fatal flaw with epoxy flooring resins early in our search for the perfect floor. The resins available weren’t designed for commercial kitchen use. Our first resin formula was formulated for the specific challenges of a commercial kitchen. When we do a public restroom, the formula is a bit different because the floor is exposed to completely different chemicals. The same for hospitals, veterinarians, swimming pool decks, etc, etc.
- Until now I’ve downplayed the roll of aggregate in a great floor. Yes, without question using our proprietary resin is the most critical issue when buying a floor that lasts 20 years and more, but quality aggregate is important also. Most resin manufacturers use mostly, in some cases exclusively, quartz as their aggregate. It’s cheap. When you read quartz, replace it with the sand, yes cheap sand. Now, there’s nothing wrong with using quartz. We use some in our flooring to create unique colors. But, quartz (sand) does not come close to the durability of or blend of calcium carbonate, ground limestone and silicon dioxide. Plus, these aggregates give you your life-long 20 year plus non-slip surface that cleans easily.
Just Think…
Just think what it means to you, and your business, to NOT need to close down operations, work throughout the night, remove all of your equipment
furniture and fixtures, buy new flooring, rip out your old flooring,
level the flooring as best you can,
install a new sub-surface, install the new flooring,
and once again move all your equipment, furniture, and fixtures back in an additional four times over the next 20 years.
Not only will Everlast Epoxy Floor last at least 20 years
saving you all time, money, and effort
of continually replacing flooring,
they are the easiest in the world to install!
Unlike other flooring materials, Everlast Floors can be placed right over the top of most existing floors surfaces.
This saves you BOTH time and money. Here’s HOW…
There are:
>> No cost for removing the old floor
>> No fees for disposing of the old flooring (much better for the environment, too!)
>> Lower labor costs to install than most other flooring options
Installation is also faster because there are:
>> No days wasted due to demo
>> No seams to heat
>> No lines to square
Now, go get that hammer and googles and smack away at all of your samples and then call us at 615-994-1510.